2012年3月27日 星期二


新竹州 州長
黄長順 様
Dear Mr.Huang Chang Shang

 Thank you so much for your kindness during my stay
in Taiwan last month. And also, thank you very much for
the parcel post include CD. 

I must apologize for being late to thank you soon. I went to my native island Suo-Oshima near Iwakuni last week to meet my brother. 

I was invited Taiwan again to attend the important meeting which will be held 30 March. It is my great regret to be absent myself from this meeting because of my younger brother's illness.

I and Mr.Ishitoya are planning to visit Taiwan again to take key person of TCG supporter named Mr.T.Ohashi
who is my classmate of National Defense Academy.

To my regret, CD do not open. I could not solve this problem. Anyway, I thank you so much for your kind considerations. 

I received email from Ms.呂玉琴 She is so nice and attractive.

Please send my best regards to your reliable person Ms.呂玉琴

Very respectfully,

Giichi Hamada
Japan Navy Captain, Retired

Kawasaki-city, Japan